About me

My name is Weiyuan Gong (龚维元), and I’m currently a first-year graduate student at John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University, where I have the privilege of working with Prof. Sitan Chen.

My research primarily focuses on the intersection of quantum information, machine learning theory, and quantum complexity theory. Additionally, I am exploring a range of other topics, including near-term quantum applications, quantum simulation, optimization theory, and algorithm design.

Prior to my studies at Harvard, I completed my Bachelor of Engineering at Yao Class, Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIIS), Tsinghua University, under the guidance of Prof. Dong-Ling Deng at the Center for Quantum Information (CQI). Please find my CV for more details.

Email: wgong[at]g.harvard.edu


I have a passion for driving, swimming, and playing table tennis. As the leader and co-founder of the table tennis team at IIIS, I enthusiastically welcome opportunities to play! Additionally, I take great joy in spending time with my significant other, whom I affectionately refer to as my ‘potato kitty’. I’m grateful to my potato kitty for helping me polish my homepage.